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Catholic Studies 30

April 26, 2021

The Instructor for this course is Crystal Serhyenko

Course History

First Offered in 2017

Developed by Regina Catholic

The aim of Catholic Studies is for students to understand, value, and engage in Catholic Christianity so they may hear an invitation, or deepen their commitment, to live as followers of Jesus Christ.

Catholic Studies 30: Embracing Spiritual and Religious Life

The aim of Catholic Studies is for students to understand, value, and engage in their faith so that they may hear an invitation, or deepen their commitment, to live as followers of Jesus Christ.  Throughout all grades, students investigate, apply and reflect on various aspects of these actions which call upon the Church to:

i.          proclaim Jesus Christ

ii.         worship Christ through the sacraments

iii.        form a communion of people

iv.        give witness, and

v.         serve.

The Catholic Studies 30 curriculum focuses in part on the importance of being both a spiritual and religious person. Students examine how they are called by God to freely choose a life of service for others that will help to transform society and the world.  

The focus of Catholic Studies 30 is "Embracing Spiritual and Religious Life". The Catholic Studies 30 outcomes center in part on students' deepening personal commitment to their spiritual and religious lives. In outcome CS30.1, students examine Catholic teachings and consider why they believe what they believe. In outcome CS30.2, students examine God's vocational call to each individual, and in CS30.3, reflect on the daily commitment involved in living in covenant with God. In outcome CS30.7, students consider benefits and challenges of being both spiritual and/or religious and reflect on how their own values are influenced by Catholic teachings. As students deepen their understanding of traditional First Nations and Métis spirituality and other religions, in CS30.10 they examine the influence of ecumenical and interfaith dialogue on their own spiritual and religious lives.

Course Information / Credit Recovery Units

Unit 1: Hearing God's Call (30 days)

  1. The Nature and Role of the Holy Spirit
  2. Discernment and Christian Vocations
  3. Hearing God's Call
  4. Miracles


Unit 2: Responsibility as Catholics (21 days)

  1. Basic Moral Principles
  2. Social Implications of Freedom
  3. Virtues and Grace
  4. Bioethical Decisions


Unit 3 Ecumenism: An Opportunity for Understanding (25 days)

  1. Spiritual vs Religious
  2. Various Faiths
  3. A Call for Religious Unity
  4. Changes in the Catholic Church


Current Events Project (15 days)

Christian Action Plan (days depend on chosen project)

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