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individual pages for all courses as currently listed

August 20, 2024

All courses are offered in a self-paced asynchronous delivery system. Courses at SCCS are all based on the Saskatchewan Learning Curriculum and students will receive a Saskatchewan Credit for the completion of the high school courses.

Grade 9*

Mathematics 90

Mathematics 90 Career Ed

English Language Arts A90

English Language Arts B90

Health 90  GSCS Teacher Resource only

Science 90

Social Studies 90

Catholic Studies 9

 * Grade 9 - Registration for GSCS students will only take place after discussion with the home school.

Grade 10

Accounting 10

Animation 10

Catholic Studies 10

Core Ukrainian 10

English Language Arts A10

English Language Arts B10

Digital Citizenship 10

Financial Literacy 10

Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus 10

History 10

Indigenous Studies 10

Robotics and Automation 10 (Teacher Resource)

Science 10

Special Project Credit 10

Wellness 10

Workplace and Apprenticeship 10

Grade 11

Accounting 20

Catholic Studies 20

Communication Media 20

Computer Science 20

Core Ukrainian 20

Creative Writing 20

Digital Citizenship 20

English Language Arts 20

Environmental Science 20

Financial Literacy 20

Foundations of Mathematics 20

Health Science 20

History 20

Indigenous Studies 20

Information Processing 20 (Not available, currently being redeveloped)

Media Studies 20

Physical Science 20

Pre-Calculus 20

Robotics and Automation 20 (Teacher Resource)

Special Project Credit 20

Workplace and Apprenticeship 20

Grade 12

Biology 30

Calculus 30

Catholic Studies 30

Chemistry 30

Computer Science 30

Core Ukrainian 30

English Language Arts A30

English Language Arts B30

Earth Science 30

Financial Literacy 30

Foundations of Mathematics 30

History 30

Indigenous Studies 30

Photography 30

Physics 30

Pre-Calculus 30

Psychology 30

Special Project Credit 30

Workplace and Apprenticeship 30

French Courses

Education chrétienne 10

Education chrétienne 20

Education chrétienne 30

Fondements des mathématiques et précalcul 10

Histoire 10

Histoire 20

Science sociales 30

Tourisme 10 

Milieu de travail et formation d’apprentis 10

PAA Modules

PAA Digital Citizenship

PAA Digital Photography

PAA Financial Literacy

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