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Computer Science 20

November 22, 2022

The Instructor for this course is Josh Balaberda.

Course History

First Offered in 2017

Developed by Josh Balaberda

Curriculum Guide

Pre-requisite Science 10

Course Outline:

CS20 is a project based class that is split into two main categories:  Fundamentals of Programming and Computing and Society.  Fundamentals of Programming will have you learn the basics for web development (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript). Computing and Society has you look at several aspects of computers and how they affect humans (Internet, Security, Careers, etc).

You will be very surprised by the end of the course with the quality of web pages that you will be able to develop. This course is supposed to introduce you to programming and hopefully spark more interest for taking CS30.  

Course Information / Credit Recovery Units

Unit 1 - Hardware and History - 1.5 weeks

Unit 2 - HTML and CSS - 4 weeks

Unit 3 - The Internet - 1.5 weeks

Unit 4 - JavaScript 1 - 3 weeks

Unit 5 - Security and Privacy - 1.5 weeks

Unit 6 - JavaScript 2 - 2 weeks

Unit 7 - Careers -1.5 weeks

Unit 8 - JavaScript 3 - 3 weeks

Unit 9 - Student Led Project - 3 weeks

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