Robotics and Automation 20
The instructor for this course is Josh Balaberda
Course History
First Offered in 2019
Developed by Reg Nakoneshny
Robotics and Animation 20
Prerequisite: NONE
Under the direction of your teacher, you will journey with Otto, a space travelling autobot, who seeks to find the meaning of his robotic life.
Your mission it to help Otto by learning more about Robotics through reading archived materials, watching video clips, listening to audio clips and visiting websites on the internet. You will test your new knowledge by applying it to activities that will help make sense of what the two of you have learned.
Robotics deals with the design, construction, operation and use of robotic devices, as well as the computer systems necessary for their control, sensory feedback and information processing. Automation is the technology by which a process or procedure is performed with minimal human assistance. As such, the purpose of this curriculum is to facilitate innovation, and exploration through the hands on process of creating and making. Through project based learning, design thinking, and inquiry learning, students will explore the processes and skills needed to design and fabricate physical devices that they will control or automate.
Course Information / Credit Recovery Units
- Electrical Circuits
- Electronic components
- Project mangement
- Programing a micro-controller (Arduino - Robotics 10, Raspberry Pi - Robotics 20)
- Designing an object in CAD
- 3D Printing
- A robotics Project that you build, program, and operate.
- more!
The Journey you two will share is explained in more detail in the course. Good luck on your Mission, your journey and the learning adventure you are about to enjoy!