Religion 7 Skip to main content

Religion 7

April 27, 2021

Course History

First Offered in 2016

Developed by Curtis Wagner

Curriculum Guide

The Instructor for this course is Leona McLeod.

Course History

First Offered in 2016

Developed by Curtis Wagner

Curriculum Guide

Goals of Catholic Education

Ultimate goals of Catholic education are that students will:

· recognize their dignity as persons made in the image and likeness of God, a dignity extended to everyone in our human family

· accept God's unconditional love for them as most fully expressed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ

· respond with gratitude, joy and generosity to God's extravagant care for them

· know God's love as a transformational force in the world, and that as faithful members of the Body of Christ in the world, we are called to act with justice on behalf of the poor and marginalized in society

· become careful stewards of our natural world

· understand the importance of being lifelong, active members of a faith community


Course Information

Religion 7 is part of the locally developed curriculum for this grade. Students will discover that God desires to be in a relationship with them and that they are called to be connected with family, friends, and community. Students will understand that God has a purpose and a plan for their lives which can be experienced through scripture, prayer, and the sacraments. A breakdown of the units of study and outcomes are below.

Course Information / Credit Recovery Units

Unit 1: Scripture (9 Weeks)

The History and Structure of the Bible. (3 weeks)

The Gospel message (2 weeks)

Biblical Prophecy (2 weeks)

Scripture: God’s Living Word (2 weeks)

Unit 2: Prayer and Sacraments (9 weeks)

What is Prayer? (3 weeks)

Types of Prayer (3 weeks)

How to Pray (3 weeks)

Unit 3: Faith Development (9 weeks)

Liturgical Seasons (3 weeks - ongoing)

The Apostles’ Creed (3 weeks)

God’s Creation (3 weeks)

Unit 4: Christian Identity (9 weeks)

Family Relationships and Friendships (3 weeks)

Community (3 weeks)

Service Project (3 weeks - ongoing)

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