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French Immersion

Language Program

French Immersion

Designed as a continuation of the K-8 French Immersion program, grade 9-12 students at Bethlehem Catholic High School complete half of the 24 credits required for graduation in French. These 12 credits include the following courses : Études Catholiques 10/20/30, Français 10/20/20B/30, Littéracie Financière 10, Histoire 10/20, Science Sociales 30 and Mathématiques 10. Through these courses and when possible, additional community cultural experiences, our High School French Immersion program strives to provide students the opportunity to enhance their language proficiency, cultivate confidence in their academic pursuits, and evolve as bilingual learners.  

French immersion students enjoy equal access to the opportunities available in regular programing. In grade 12, French Immersion students also have the opportunity to prepare for and complete the French Advanced Placement exam.

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