Edsby and School Bundle messaging
As part of our ongoing efforts to improve school communication with parents/caregivers we have made some changes to how we share and receive information.
We are no longer using School Messenger and Safe Arrival app and services.
Edsby will be our primary form of communication. It will be used:
- for day-to-day information from your teacher and school,
- to report student absences,
- to share evidence of student learning and access to progress reports/report cards,
- to share classroom news,
- to book three-way conferences, and
- to facilitate easy communication between parents/caregivers and teachers.
Edsby can be accessed online, or on mobile apps available in the App Store and Google Play. If you do not already have access, login information will be provided by your teacher.
We have prepared some short help videos to demonstrate some of Edsby’s features. Invitations have been sent to all parents who have not yet downloaded Edsby and will continue to be sent as needed to families on a regular basis.
School Bundle messaging tool is a new service and will be used:
- to inform you of unreported student absences,
- for information from the entire division from our Board Office, and
- for emergency communication.
No app is needed. There is no need to edit settings or set notifications. Just make sure the school office has up-to-date contact information for you to receive voice calls, emails and/or SMS text messages.
Communication will come from the email noreply-gscs@schoolbundle.ca (listed as Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools) and the phone number 1-306-400-6811, so please make sure that information is in your contacts so it doesn’t end up in your spam/junk folder.
We will also continue to use our website (www.gscs.ca/BET) to share news and events. If you want notifications on website news and event updates, a mobile app is available in the App Store and Google Play.
Our school also uses social media occasionally to share information and news. Follow us on Instagram @bethlehemstars.
As always, you can call us at 306-659-7900 or email us at bethlehem@gscs.ca.