Faith and Learning

Christian Ethics
There are many opportunities for students to become involved that will express and increase their faith. As part of the Christian Ethics program, students are given the opportunity to contribute to worthwhile projects that benefit people in our school, community and diocese. Students are encouraged to share their musical talents to enhance Eucharistic celebrations that are held throughout the year and in classroom Masses.
At the heart of Catholic education is growth in faith. The role of the Chaplaincy Team, which includes a priest and a layperson, is to be visible and present as a faith dimension in the school, and to facilitate, direct, and encourage the faith growth of the entire school body.
The Chaplaincy Team promotes and organizes activities that invite the students and staff to encounter God. They also visit bereaving families and offer consolation and counselling to those within the school community who suffer illness or experience tragic events. They coordinate Eucharistic celebrations, special Masses, opportunities for Reconciliation during Advent and Lent, and other spiritual opportunities. Both Chaplains are available for spiritual direction and for counselling.