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Counsellor Connection


Counselling services address a variety of needs and occur in a number of different settings. Individual counselling may be utilized to deal with specific problems regarding academic concerns, personal and social concerns, timetable changes, credit evaluation, career plans, post-secondary institutions, scholarships or other areas of interest to the student. Individual counselling is confidential; however, when necessary, the counsellor may wish to consult with teachers, parents, administrators, social services personnel or professional psychological services. Every attempt is made to protect the privacy of the individual student. Referrals are made by students, parents, teachers, or administrators. Counsellors also coordinate the Career Development Strategy for all grades. This is a career education program delivered in the classroom.

Social Worker

A social worker is available during certain times throughout the week to help students who are experiencing difficult personal problems related to family situations, truancy, financial concerns, etc. This service also includes home visits and possible school placements.

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