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School Registration

New to Canada? Please book an appointment at our Newcomer Registration Centre at 420 22nd Street East.

Registration for new students at St. Thérèse of Lisieux School.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child(ren) into our school community. 

St. Thérèse will be limited to Rosewood and Lakewood Urban Central residents only.

Families living in other neighbourhoods or communities will be referred to their neighbourhood or other nearby Catholic Schools.

To register your child(ren), you can:

  1.  Download and complete this:  GSCS Gr. K-8 Registration.pdf     Save it and email to
  2.  Or Mail to:   St. Thérèse of Lisieux Catholic School 123 Olson Lane West   Saskatoon SK  S7V 0L1

Bus Map -grey and yellow (temporary) areas will receive transportation: School Maps-Rosewood Busing 2022-2023 (2).pdf

Hertz Northern Bus Form: Student BUS FORM Fill 1.pdf

Navera Community Connections - Before and After School Program Registration: call (306)979-9737 or visit the website at

Note: Fillable forms must be downloaded to your desktop and completed, so all information can be saved.

Kindergarten Eligibility Policy Update 2025

As of Fall 2025, Children will be admitted to Kindergarten provided they are five (5) years of age on or before December 31st of the school year in which they wish to register. 

The amended eligibility date be effective Fall 2025 to allow families time to adjust to the change. 

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