
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens January 2025. Effective Fall 2025, children in all GSCS schools will be admitted to kindergarten provided they are five (5) years of age on or before December 31st of the year in which they are registering.
It’s one of life’s milestones—the first day of Kindergarten. And we’re looking forward to welcoming you and your little one into our school community in the fall.
Kindergarten at Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools is a special place where children are encouraged to be the best they can be in a safe, welcoming and faith-filled environment.
Children have daily opportunities to develop and learn socially, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually and physically. Hands-on learning will give early learners the thinking skills they need and a solid foundation for literacy and math. Prayer, the Bible and Gospel values that help little ones learn to love God and others are important parts of Catholic education.
Important information that you will need to register your child/ren:
- All contact information (home address, phone number, work number)
- Birth Certificate or Baptismal Certificate
- An emergency contact, their address, and phone number in case we cannot reach you.
- Knowledge of the previous school your child attended. We often call the sending school to get to know the needs of your child better.
Below is a link to register your child/children for Kindergarten. Please fill out a registration form and return to the school., (Fillable forms must be downloaded to your desktop and completed, so all information can be saved).
Non-Catholic Declaration Form
*Please note for children who are non-Catholic, a Declaration of Intention Form for Non-Catholic Students must be completed.
Please email form to or print the form and bring it to the school office between 9:00 am - 3:30 pm Monday to Friday.
Newcomers to Canada:
Students who are not Canadian Citizens must contact the GSCS Newcomer Registration Centre
420 – 22nd Street East, Saskatoon, SK S7K 1X3
(306) 659-7000
Call the Registration Centre for New Canadians at (306) 659-7000. They will book an appointment with you to register your children and determine their English language proficiency. The centre is located in at Board Office at 420 22nd Street East, in downtown Saskatoon.
Please bring the following documents to your appointment:
- Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Canada Documents - Temporary Permit or Confirmation of Permanent Residency Paper / Permanent Record Card
- Health card (If you have one);
- Birth certificate or baptism certificate (if you have one);
- Original transcripts of educational documents (translated versions if available); and
- Medical documentation, if available (for example, immunization records).
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