
New to Canada? Please book an appointment at our Newcomer Registration Centre at 420 22nd Street East.
Registration forms are now available online for Kindergarten and NEW students to St. Mark School for the 2024-2025 school year. Parents are welcome and encouraged to complete your child(ren)s registration form online and email the form(s) to the school at If you do not have access to send your form through email, you may print, complete and bring these forms with you to St Mark School. Parents of new registering students can call the school and arrange a time to meet with the school principal. Please remember to bring any piece of legal documentation that contains the student's legal name in full and birthdate. This form will be viewed only to verify information, and then returned to you. Any school records from your child's previous education is helpful to assist your child's teacher.
If you are unable to register your child at the beginning of the school year, please call the school at 306-659-7390 (press 0 for office) to let us know you will be registering on another day so that we can place your child in a home room.
We welcome registration for students anytime throughout the school year.
Some important information to bring would be:
- All contact information (home address, phone number, work number)
- Health cards and/or Treaty cards for your child.
- Birth Certificate or Baptismal Certificate
- An emergency contact, their address and phone number in case we cannot reach you.
- If you have a family doctor, having the phone number is helpful.
- Knowledge of the previous schools your child attended. We often call the sending school to get to know their learning needs of your child better.
If you are a family immigrating from another country, first of all, WELCOME to Canada, to Saskatoon, to GSCS and to St. Mark School. We are a very diverse community housing students from over 50 countries. Please book an appointment at our Newcomer Registration Centre at 420 22nd Street East, and please feel free to call the school office at 306-659-7390 (press 0), meet our principal and staff.
To all students and community, welcome. We look forward to working with you and your child.
St. Mark Registration Form Grades K - 8
St. Mark Supply List Grades 1-8
St. Mark School offers the services of a Before and After School Program if you require childcare for your student.
For information regarding the Boys & Girls Clubs of Saskatoon Before & After School program, please visit their website or contact their office at 306-665-1450 or email
Boys and Girls Mini Club Registration Form 2024-2025
Pre-Kindergarten Registration
Please see this link to the application form:
PreKindergarten Application Form 2024-2025
PreKindergarten Supply List 2024-2025
Children who are 3 or 4 years of age by Sept 1, 2024, are eligible to apply for our Pre-Kindergarten Program. This is a subsidized program. Bussing may be provided.
Kindergarten Registration
Please see this link to the application form:
Kindergarten Registration Form 2024-2025
Kindergarten Supply List 2024-2025
Children who will be 5 years old by January 31, 2025 can begin Kindergarten in September, 2024. For more information on how to register, please call the school office at 306-659-7390 (press 0 for office) or see the information above.
Registration for these programs begins every January for our planning purposes, however we take registrations throughout the year. Register now to help us in our planning process. Please call 306-659-7390 (press 0) or email
We are now accepting registrations for the new school year! Kindergarten will be held all day every Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday. Both classes will attend specified Fridays. Children who will be 5 years old by January 31, 2025 can begin Kindergarten in September, 2024. To register, please complete the registration form at the link below or call the school office at 306-659-7390 (press 0 for office) if you need help to complete this form.