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Counsellor Connection



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School Counsellors

COUNSELLOR:  MICHELLE REMIZOWSKI - Last Name M to Z (306-659-7661)

COUNSELLOR:  ASHLEY MARCHAND - Last Name A to L (306-659-7660).



School Counsellors are available to assist students with study skills, in planning class selections, in career planning, in decision making, and in dealing with personal or family problems. Students may see the counsellors directly or make an appointment with a secretary.

School Social Worker

The school social worker is available one day a week.  Referral appointments should be made with Student Services Secretary.


The teacher chaplain is present in the school to nurture and support students and staff in their faith growth. The teacher chaplain welcomes anyone wishing to see him regarding a personal matter.  He/she will also be available on an informal basis in the hallways and meeting places of the school.


Teacher Guardian Group

The Teacher Guardian Group is a unique concept at St. Joseph High School.  This program is designed to build closer Christian relationships between groups of students and staff within the larger school community. Parents and students will realize that there is one teacher in the school who will come to know each student as a unique individual apart from her/his role as a student in a particular course.  This mentor relationship will afford  the  student  a  degree  of  security  and  guidance  while  at  St. Joseph High School.

The Teacher Guardian program will also offer the opportunity to assist students in specific areas at each grade level; students in Grade 9 will focus on transition; Grade 10, 11 and 12 Teacher Guardian Groups will focus on career exploration and planning as well as community service.

Another distinguishing feature of the school will involve community service.  In order to promote the Christian ideals of work and service, each student attending St. Joseph High School will provide volunteer community service each academic year. This volunteer community service may include the following areas:  the family, the school, the Church, and the Saskatoon community.

Duties of Teacher Guardian

1. To provide personal support services by:

  • helping students adjust to high school life,
  • generating a spirit of community (liturgies and devotions),
  • assisting the student with school-related concerns,
  • monitoring student academic progress and attendance,
  • communicating student progress and attendance.

2. To encourage students to become involved in school-related activities by:

  • Informing them of the various extracurricular activities offered at St.Joseph High School,
  • encouraging participation and involvement in various school activities by communicating information and by modelling through participation,
  • notifying students about special events that are applicable.

3. To provide home contact by:

  • acting as a liaison between home and school for the purpose of promoting the partnership between the home and school,
  • distributing information (school pictures, student card, newsletters, report card).

4. To assist the student in educational decision-making with regard to:

  • course selection and scheduling,
  • informing students of graduation requirements,
  • directing the student to appropriate agencies for information about post-secondary entrance requirements.

The Teacher Guardian program is an integral part of our St. Joseph community; therefore, anyone wishing to be a student at St. Joseph High School must willingly and cooperatively take part in Teacher Guardian and its activities.

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