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Honour Roll

June 5, 2024

Please review PDF for the Honour Roll Criteria

2024-2025 Registration Handbook.pdf


St. Joseph High School Principal’s Honour Roll Requirements (2024-2025) 

Averages are calculated as follows in determining the Principal’s Honour Roll. The aggregate mark at each grade level must be 80% or higher. Students on the Honour Roll with an average of 90% or higher will receive the designation of “Distinction”. Honour Roll averages are calculated up to two decimal places (averages are not rounded up) 

Grade 9- 8 final marks-aggregate minimum mark is:  640 ÷ 8 = 80%  

Catholic Studies 90 

Phys. Ed 90 

Mathematics A90 

Math B90 

English A90 

English B90 

Science 90 

Social Studies 90 

* French Immersion students will substitute Francais Immersion 90A, or Francais Immersion 90B  

for one of the English 90  

Grade 10 – 8 final marks - aggregate minimum mark is;      640 ÷ 8 = 80%  

(Only Level 10 marks are used)  

Catholic Studies 10 

Science 10 

English A10 or English B10 

Wellness 10 

Financial Literacy 10 

History or Indigenous Studies 10 

Foundations of Math 10 or Workplace Apprenticeship 10 

and Next Highest Level 10 Elective 

* French Immersion students may substitute Francais Immersion 10 for one of the English 10 


 Grade 11 – 7 final marks - aggregate minimum mark is;     560 ÷ 7 = 80% 

(Only Level 20 marks are used)  

Catholic Studies 20 

One (1) Level 20 Mathematics 

English 20 or  

One (1) Level 20 Science 


and Three (3) Highest Level 20 Electives 

* French Immersion students may substitute Francais Immersion 20 for English 20 


 Grade 12 – 8 final marks - aggregate minimum mark is;     640 ÷ 8 = 80% 

(Only Level 30 marks are used)  

Catholic Studies 30 

History 30 or Indigenous Studies 30 

English A30 

English B30 


and Next Four (4) Highest Level 30 Electives 

* French Immersion students may substitute Francais Immersion 30 for one of the English 30 


Grade 12 students enrolled in a cyber course (elective or required) must be at least half- way through the course and have a mid-term mark at the St. Joseph semester 2 mid-term date for it to be used in the honour roll calculation. 


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