About Us
St. John School
Principals: Bernie Provost 1955-1962; Rick Kroczynski 1962-1964; Michael Hepp 1964-1965; Bill Coumont 1965-1968; Walter Chuey 1968-1974; Don Mansfield 1974-1977; Lambert Schneider 1977-1979; Moe Hnatick 1979-1987; David Babey 1987-1994, Ray Weinkauf 1994-1996; Al Brown 1996-2001; Darren Hyshka 2001-2003; David Knowles 2003-2008; Katrina Sawchuk 2008-2013; Ed Brockman 2013-2017, Jenise Vangool 2017-2019, Leanne McGettigan 2019-2020, Nicole Isabelle 2020-2021, Kelley Cardinal 2021-2022; Jennifer Meikle 2022-
St. John is named in honour of St. John Bosco (1815-1888). It opened in 1955 and was one of 19 Catholic schools built in Saskatoon in the 1950's and 1960's. In 1960 the Saskatoon Catholic school division, St. John School and St. John Bosco Parish worked together to organize and construct a new school auditorium that became the new parish centre. The school has been privileged to work in partnership with St. John Bosco Parish and many businesses that contribute positively to increased opportunities for students. Students participate in activities such as Kinsmen Hockey League, Child Hunger Education Program (CHEP), Breakfast for Learning, football programs, Care and Share Lunch and a community gardening project.
St. John School is named in honour of St. John Bosco. He spent himself wholly in educating youth, whom he believed to be he promise of tomorrow. When asked about the secret to his success with young people, he simply answered: "love...". We celebrate the feast day of this great man on January 31st. At St. John School we follow in the footsteps of St. John Bosco by focusing on what Jesus called the greatest commandments, love God, love yourself, and love your neighbour. It is through love that we can truly transform the world, 'making it a better place' and , "We love because He first loved us." - 1 John 4:19