
Virtual Classroom Tour
You can download, complete and return a registration form for each child. (Please see forms below)
Registration forms can be emailed to
Important information you will need:
- Proof of age - birth certificate
- all contact information (home address, phone number, and work numbers)
- Emergency contact (someone other than the parents/guardians in case parent can not be reached)
- Baptismal certificate (if you have one)
- Previous schools your child attended or previous school registered at, even if they never attended.
- Kindergarten - Children who will be 5 years old on or before December 31, 2025 (birthday before December 31, 2020) can register.
NOTE - Changes coming for Kindergarten eligibility for the school year 2025-2026 - please see pdf attached below
Our Mission
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools is a welcoming community where we nurture faith, encourage excellence in learning and inspire students to serve others,
making the world a better place.
We love because He first loved us. -1 John 4:19
Kindergarten at St. Angela School
We believe in a child-centered approach where your child is given many opportunities to experiment and explore while they learn. It’s a team approach where the parent, the child and the teacher all work together. Our program offers:
- Daily prayers and a loving environment enriched in faith
- School masses and class visits by our Parish liaison
- Inquiry approach to learning
- Literacy readiness and Numeracy building activities
- Smart board activities
- Nutritious snack time (nut free)
- Care partner activities
- Ongoing communication through Edsby
- Gym, computer and library opportunities
- Integrated learning centers
- Sharing time
- Advent & Lenten celebrations
- Class field trips
- Special day celebrations
We welcome you to be a part of our school community. Volunteer in the classroom, on field trips and with the St. Angela Catholic School Community Council.
Kindergarten is…
Working, playing and learning together.
It is a time to learn new concepts, to develop friendships, to be creative and to try new activities. It is an environment of sharing, caring and encouragement.
Prepare For Kindergarten
As a parent you can help your child by:
1. Creating a happy attitude toward school, enabling your child to anticipate with pleasure his/her first school experience.
2. Helping your child learn safety rules, especially crossing the streets. He/she should know the safest and shortest way home.
3. Teaching your child how to put on and take off his/her coat and shoes/boots.
4. Labelling clothing and personal belongings.
5. Helping your child to realize that they are one of a family group and that there are times when others need more attention than she or he does.
6. Establishing habits of picking up and putting away his/her toys, books and clothing.
7. Building good health practices (i.e. – nutrition, sleep habits, personal hygiene).
8. Making opportunities for your child to play with others of his/her own age.
9. Explaining that the teacher, principal, and all adults connected with school are there to support.
10. Encouraging your child to learn his/her full name, parent’s names, telephone number and home address.
11. Taking your child to as many worthwhile places in the community as possible: zoo, library, park and farm.
12. Setting aside a definite time during the day to read stories and poems to your child.
13. Giving your child an opportunity to learn nursery rhymes, finger plays and a variety of poems.
14. Providing writing tools and paper for your child to experiment with writing, coloring, cutting and drawing.
15. Giving your child an opportunity to listen to good music and respond to rhythms.
16. Giving your child ample opportunity to do creative art, to cut and paste and model with clay and plasticine.