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Home-Based Education

May 23, 2024

Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Home-based Education Program 

The Board of Education for Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools acknowledges the fact that Catholic parents have the right to accept the responsibility to direct the education of their children and as such support the process of home-based education. Catholic parents who accept this responsibility are expected to provide an educational program that is an accordance with expectations outlined in the Education Act 1995 and the Home-based Education Regulations 2012.  

The following resources can be accessed to help establish expectations for home-based education process:

SK HBE Policy and Procedures Manual.pdf

HBE Program Regulations.pdf

Saskatchewan Curriculum Website

Education Act  

Home-Based Education FAQ 

What is Home-based Education?

Home-based Education: An educational programming option that is started at the initiative of and is under the direction of the parent or guardian of the child. The child is receiving instruction at and from the home of the child.

Home-based Educator: A home-based educator is a parent providing and directing a registered home-based education program for his/her child.

Home-based Learner: A home-based learner is a pupil who is receiving instruction in a registered home–based education program.

Registration Information

Parents interested in home-based education from a Catholic, faith-based perspective may register with Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools. Eligible students must be between 5 and 18 years old. Please note that families must reside within Greater Saskatoon Catholic School's electoral boundaries in order to register. Please contact Tressa Kokonas if you are unsure if you reside within GSCS boundaries. 

Registration Process:

1. Complete the Notification of a Home-based Education Program form and submit it to 


2. Submit Home-based Education Written Plans between August 15 - September 15 to     

3. Use the Written Plan Exemplar and SK Ministry of Education Policy and Registration Checklist to assist in completing the registration process.

    HBE example of Written Plan

   Ministry Written Education Plan Policy

   DirectDeposit Form

Please note that all registration documents must be received by September 15. A Confirmation of Registration & Welcome Letter will be emailed to parents/caregivers.

Request for Services and Support

Home-based learners registered with Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools will have access to the following supports:

  • CAT-4 Assessment
  • Driver's Education
  • GCSC Cyber School:
    • Grades 5-12: two free GSCS Cyber School Courses per year (Cyber School teacher instruction, assessment and support included).
    • Grades 4-12: access to Cyber School Hybrid Courses, intended to be used as a teacher resource (no support from GSCS Cyber School teachers will be provided).
    • No support is provided for Distance Education classes taken outside of GSCS Cyber School.

To register for Cyber School Courses and Cyber School Hybrid Courses, please complete the online forms below by September 15th.
Cyber School Registration Form
Cyber School Hybrid Registration Form

Please contact Tressa Kokonas to request services.

Secondary Level Credits (Grades 10-12)

Ministry of Education - How Can Students Earn Secondary Level Credits 2015

Saskatoon Catholic Cyber School Information

What Evidence is Required to Complete a Home-based Education Program?

Each family is required by the Ministry of Education to maintain a portfolio of the year's work and is required to store the record for two years. The portfolio may be shared: electronically, by mail or through a year-end meeting. 

Annual Progress Report:

The annual progress report shall include one of the following:

  • portfolio of work, or 
  • test results (Cat-4 Assessment) as outlined in the Home-Based Education Program Regulations 2012.

The portfolio of work for purposes of the annual report is to include the following:

  • a periodic log (monthly report); and
  • one of the following for each of the broad annual goals:
  • a detailed summative record;
  • sufficient samples of work; or
  • a summative record and samples of work.

Portfolio of work FAQs (PDF)
Periodic Log (PDF)
Summative Record (PDF)

For more information, please contact Tressa Kokonas.

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