Before and After School Care

Golden Rule is the Before and After School Care provider at St. Kateri. Please see the information below regarding registration for the Before and After School program for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Program opens at 7:00am each school day until school start and runs after school until as late as 6pm
Registration will take place online only. Your child(ren) must be pre-registered before attending the program, and a fee does apply. This fee can be paid via cash or cheque or you may pay via EFT. The registration fee must be paid before registration is complete and your child can attend, no exceptions.
The family registration fee must be paid before registration is complete and children attend.
Please follow the link below and follow the instructions carefully. If you were previously registered in our program, we still need you to complete the form as we reset all info each school year. If you are a two household family who needs to be separately invoiced, please have each household fill out the link and send a separate email showing how your monthly invoice needs to be split. Please include up to date emails and contacts where invoices will be sent and please indicate the days your child(ren) will attend in the appropriate section.
Online waiver / sign up form
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding registering.
Contact Information:
Golden Rule Programs
Phone: (306) 477-5588