
New to Canada? Please book an appointment at our Newcomer Registration Centre at 420 22nd Street East.
School Year Calendar 2023-2024
2023-2024 calendar with Kindergarten - Revised.pdf
Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens January 2025!
Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open in January. Children who will be 5 years old on or before December 31, 2025 (birthday December 31, 2020) can register for kindergarten.
We will be holding a parent information night regarding the kindergarten program at Holy Trinity School on Wednesday, January 22 at 6:30pm. We invite any interested parents to come out. This is an information night just for parents. Opportunities for the registered children to visit the school will happen sometime in the spring.
If you have questions or need more information, contact us at 306-659-7890 or
To register please follow the link:
Declaration of Intention for Non-Catholic Students FORM - Fillable
You can send it back to me through email. See below for email address. Please send: a copy of birth certificate and baptismal certificate (if baptized Catholic) when registering.
We are an open and inclusive school community. Non-Catholic children are welcome to attend, with the understanding that your child(ren) will participate in spiritual formation of a Catholic school and that parent/guardians will support the mission, vision and values of the school division. You must complete and return the Non-Catholic Student Declaration of Intention with your registration form.
All documents can be returned by email to (documents must be in PDF format)
Need bussing?
For all urban and rural bus requests please read the Primary Bus Request - letter and then follow the linc:
Primary Bus Request - letter.pdf
For the following forms, please fill out and return to
Alternate stop: Second bus pass
2024-2025 Alternate Stop Letter.pdf
Alternate Stop Transportation Request Form Fillable.pdf
Joint-Shared Custody Transportation Request 2023.pdf