
New to Canada? Please book an appointment at our Newcomer Registration Centre at 420 22nd Street East.
Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open. We will be hosting our Kindergarten Information Evening on Tuesday, March 25th. Come and go sessions will be held between 5:00-6:30 p.m. If you are interested in the French Program, there will be a presentation at 6:00 pm.
Kindergarten Registration: if you have a child who will be 5 years old by Dec. 31, 2025, it's time to register for KINDERGARTEN! École Holy Mary School is a dual stream (French and English) school that is friendly, safe, welcoming and ready to help each of our students reach their full potential. We nurture faith, encourage excellence in learning and inspire students to reach out and help others – at home and around the world. Additionally, as parents of École Holy Mary School, you are our best promoters. Please share this information with your neighbors/friends who have Kindergarten age children! Thank you!
We look forward to welcoming you and your child(ren) into our school community.
To register, please download and complete the forms below, and email them to or your can mail in the paper copies to Ecole Holy Mary School, 1401 Parr Hill Drive, Martensville, SK S0K 2T1.
NOTE: Fillable forms must be downloaded to your desktop and them completed, so all information can be saved.
EMail or mail the completed forms to the school office and Scan and Email the legal documentation as well (Birth Certificate, Health Card, and Baptismal Certificate (if applicable) for the school to verify your child's information.
Download, complete and return a registration form for each child
We are an open and inclusive school community. Non-Catholic children are welcome to attend, with the understanding that your child(ren) will participate in spiritual formation of a Catholic school and that parent/guardians will support the mission, vision and values of the school division. You must complete and return the Non-Catholic Student Declaration of Intention with your registration form.
2024-25 Media Release Form(These forms will be given out at the beginning of the year. If you are starting in the middle of the year, please fill out)
Declaration of Intention for Non-Catholic Students FORM - fillable
If you are wanting busing from your home in Martensville, please go to and apply for busing. If you need busing from Childcare in Martensville, please fill out
Alternate Stop Transportation Request Form Fillable and email it
Warman Bus Form - First Student