School Supplies
March 27, 2025
2025-26 School Supply Lists
We ask that all school supplies be labelled with the students name
- 2 large glue sticks
- 1 pair of small scissors
- 1- 1 ½ inch binder
- 2 large boxes of Kleenex
- 1 pair of non marking indoor shoes (Velcro or slip on only. No sandals or crocs}
- Extra change of clothes (shirt, pants, socks and underwear}
- 1 water bottle
- 1 large backpack (not tiny)
- 3 containers of play dough
- If your last name is A- M: 1 box of large Ziploc bags
- If your last name is N - Z: 1 box of snack size Ziploc bags
Grades 1 - 4
We ask that all school supplies be labelled with the students name
- 40 HB pencils
- 2 hand held pencil sharpeners
- 4 large vinyl erasers
- 2 - 24pk of crayons
- 1 pkg of 24 pencil crayons
- 1 pkg of washable thick markers (not for grade l's)
- 1 pencil box (to hold crayons, markers and pencil crayons)
- 1 pencil case (to hold pencils, erasers, scissors & glue)
- 2 pairs of scissors
- 1 bottle of white glue (not for grade l's)
- 8 large glue sticks
- 4 Hilroy exercise books - 80 pages
- 10 assorted colored duotangs
- 1- 3" binder
- 4 boxes of Kleenex
- 1 box of large Ziploc bags
- 1 old paint shirt (for grade l's only)
- Headphones that contain a jack
- Water bottle
- 1 pair of indoor runners (no black soles)
- Backpack
Grades 5 - 8
We ask that all school supplies be labelled with the students name
- 40HB pencils
- 2 hand held pencil sharpeners
- 4 large vinyl erasers
- 1 pkg of 24 pencil crayons
- 1 pkg of 24 crayons
- 1 pkg of thick markers; 2 sharpie markers
- Sturdy pencil case
- 2 red pens, 2 blue pens, 2 black pens
- 2 highliters
- 1 pair of scissors
- 3 large glue sticks
- 1- 3" binder (grade 5,6, 7); 1 zippered binder (grade 8)
- 1 pkg of 10 dividers
- 2 pkgs of loose leaf (200)
- 12 hilroy notebooks - 80 pages
- 10 assorted colored duotangs
- Calculator
- Geometry set
- 4 boxes of Kleenex
- 1 box of large Ziploc bags
- Water bottle
- 1 pair of indoor runners (no black soles)