miyo mâcihowin Program

E.D. Feehan is proud to offer our miyo mâcihowin programming from Grade 9 through 12.
The program is focused on providing a great academic environment with Indigenous cultural and wellness programming allowing each student to work toward their personal goals.
This program focuses on integrating Indigenous culture, language, spirituality, extra supports, and land-based learning opportunities into the courses.
Program activities include but are not limited to: smudging, land-based learning, drumming, cultural arts, beading, dance, Indigenous leadership opportunities, ceremony and much more.
Supports include elder presence and support, co-teaching in the classroom, Aboriginal Student Achievement Coordinators, Indigenous Counselling Supports, Indigenous Teachers, Nutrition Program, City Bus Pass, RAP worker, Social worker, Extra curricular activities, sports and clubs, Driver's Ed, etc.
Students become key members of the "Feehan family".
In this program, many courses are taken as part of the miyo mâcihowin cohort and you get to choose your other courses/electives. Here are the courses that are part of this program at each grade level:
Grade 9 - English A90, English B90, Social Studies 90, Catholic Studies/Indigenous Spirituality 90, Science 90, Physical Education 90 and Cultural Arts 90
Grade 10 - English A10, English B10, Indigenous Studies 10, Catholic Studies/Indigenous Spirituality 10, Science 10, Wellness 10 and Cultural Arts 10
Grade 11 - English 20, Indigenous Studies 20, Catholic Studies/Indigenous Spirituality 20, Physical Education 20 and Cultural Arts 20
Grade 12 - Indigenous Studies 30, Catholic Studies/Indigenous Spirituality 30, Physical Education 30 and Cultural Arts 30
To be a part of this program, please contact the school to register. You can join at any grade level.
Please contact us if you have any questions!
Kari Weiman
Principal - E.D. Feehan Catholic School
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
(306) 659-7551
"I belong to the Feehan Family; who I am makes a difference"