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Before and After School Care

Boys & Girls Club Saskatoon

Boys & Girls club of Saskatoon run our Before and After School Program.  Morning care begins 7:30 am (or earlier if needed) until 8:45 am and after school care starts at 3:20 pm (end of school day) until 6:00pm.  If you wish to register your child(ren) please do so here:

 There is a registration fee. 

If you have any questions you can contact Boys and Girls Club of Saskatoon or see their web site and click on Before & Afterschool Programs.

*As of June 26, 2024 our program is full for fall 2024-2025.  Please keep registering though if this is something you need.  If there is enough of a waitlist they will add a leader and open up more spots. 

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