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Registration Information

New to Canada? Please book an appointment at our Newcomer Registration Centre at 420 22nd Street East.

We'd love to welcome you and your children into our school so you can meet teachers, the principal and other staff.

Here's how you can register for next year:

Download and complete a registration form for each child.

Return completed forms to

Important information you will need:

  • All contact information (home address, phone number, work number) for your child.
  • A Baptismal certificate (if you have one)
  • An emergency contact, their address and phone number in case we cannot reach you.
  • If you have a family doctor, having the phone number is helpful.
  • Knowledge of the previous schools your child attended. We often call the sending school to get to know their learning needs of your child better.

Feel free to contact us if you have questions.

We look forward to welcoming you and your children next year.

Learn more about registering in our school division.

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