January 13, 2025
We are extremely pleased to inform you that bus service is provided for families that live 1.2 km from St. Augustine School. Families living in the following areas are able to access bus transportation to and from school:
- 4001- 4049 8th Street and Edinburgh Place
- 901-1099 McKercher Drive
- 603-501 McKercher Drive
- Duncan Crescent
- Brighton area - starting in September of 2025 - please contact the school with any questions.
Families that qualify for bus transportation, need to complete the First Bus Transportation Form
This form must then be sent to the school.
The school will forward to First Student Bus, who will then contact families with pick-up and drop off times as well as bus stop locations.
This process can take a couple of days to complete.
Transportation to GSCS elementary schools is provided at no charge by First Student or Hertz for:
- Students living more than 1.2 km from their designated school.
- French immersion students if their designated French immersion school is more than 1.2 km from home.
- City-wide (outside of 1.2. km) for Saskatoon French School, Bishop Filevich and Cree instruction at St. Frances.