Happy Easter!
Slava Icycy Xhresty! Glory Be to Jesus Christ!
We have put our Lenten sacrifices behind us, and now we joyfully celebrate Easter.
Between those two, we walked with Jesus along the road to Calvary and pondered his sacrifice on the cross to save us.
This is in stark contrast to a society that more and more doesn’t see a need for a saviour. “Save me from what? Doesn’t God love me just the way I am?” have become common sentiments.
True, God’s love is unconditional, and his grace—his unmerited gifts—pour on us all regardless of what we do, say or think, just as the rain doesn’t choose who it falls on or the sun on whom it shines (cf. Matthew 5:45).
While God’s love for us is infinite and unconditional, our acceptance of that love is inhibited by our selfishness, our pride, our envy, our greed—by our sin.
Thankfully, Easter is the ultimate expression of God’s unconditional love for us. God redeems our relationship with him and with each other. He heals our wounds. The story of “doubting” Thomas reveals that wounds will still exist—“Put your finger here.” (John 20:27)—but we will be restored so we can grow in holiness and charity, following his example and responding to his call to a life of grace and love.
Thanks be to God that we have in Jesus the saviour we so desperately need.
Xhrystoc Voskres! Christ is risen!
May you and yours have a blessed Easter season.
Diane Boyko, Board of Education Chair on behalf of all GSCS Board of Education trustees
PS: For those who follow the Julian calendar, Easter is May 5.