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Daily Notices March 25th

Student Notice Student Notice March 25, 2025

General Notices 

** The doors at the east end of the commons going to the pavilion will be locked for safety reasons as there is lots of ice in that area. Thanks for your understanding.


**Please note there has been theft in the PE change rooms so please ensure you lock up your belongings.


** Please help stack chairs in groups of 4 at the end of the lunch hour in the commons. Thanks for your help.

** Reminder that the commons area is closed during Period 4 for cleaning.

The Government of Saskatchewan has partnered with Shoppers Foundation for Women’s Health to provide menstrual products to our schools. Holy Cross has received another shipment, and these products are available at Student Services and in bathrooms for students who need them. You are welcome to take home boxes and packages of these products. We will also have our Physical Education teachers handing out the product in our girls’ classes to those who would like to take some home.

* Do you have the right jacket? 

If you have a Outdoorjack black jacket, please come down to the main office. We think you have the wrong jacket. Thanks!



All interested students are invited to be at our LYNGr gathering on Tuesday, March 25, 12:25 in the Chapel.  We will be discussing the Turn Debt into Hope campaign and assigning jobs and working on a schedule.  Please come join us to make a real difference during Jubilee 2025.  Check out our Edsby group or speak with Mrs. Dale about more information.  "The spirit of the Lord is upon me; He has sent me to bring good news to the poor!"  Luke 4.18

* Students Who Chose Foods 30, Cabinetmaking 20 or Cabinetmaking 30 for Course Requests - 2025-26

If you chose one or more of these classes as a primary request during course selection for the 2025-26 school year, you should have received an Edsby message yesterday that requires your immediate response. Please check your Edsby messages, read the information and respond accordingly so that we can accommodate your request!  Your response is required by 12 PM on Wednesday. Thank you!

If for some reason you did not receive a message (and chose one or more of these as your primary request) please see Mrs. Regier at the main office.

Classes Not Running for 2025-26

Due to low enrollment, the following classes will not run for the 2025-26 school year:

Applied Global Citizenship 30L

Clothing, Textiles and Fashion 30

Indigenous Mentorship 30L

Journalism Studies 20

Music 30P

Post-Secondary Readiness 30L

Theatre Arts 20

Mental Health & Wellbeing 20L

Students who chose one or more of these classes as a primary selection during course selection will have the course replaced with a listed alternate (back-up class) by administration. Students who selected one or more of these courses as an alternate (back-up class) will have it removed from their list.  


Students with questions regarding the above classes that will not run for the 25-26 school year should connect with Mrs. Regier at the main office.  Thank you.

* Student Volunteers needed for Track and Field City’s at Gordie Howe Track

Please come to the main office to sign up.

Wednesday, May 28th from 4:30-8:30pm

  • 3 Students at Long Jump 

Thursday May 29th from 12:00-3:00pm (shortened day)

  • 2 Students at Pole Vault 


Everyone is welcome to come to the courtyard to take part in smudging at 8:15 am on Tuesdays and Fridays all year.

Homework Hall Tutorial 

Would you like help from a teacher with your homework in a quiet space? Homework Hall tutorial time takes place each lunch hour in Room 341 (Mr. Heath's room). All students are welcome to attend!



There is a SOPRANO/TENOR BASS choir practice TODAY at lunch.

Wednesday:  Tenor/Bass Sectional

Friday: Full Choir




The following items will be available daily at the cafeteria:

Burgers, sandwiches, subs, wraps, baking and various snacks.


Tuesday, March 25th –Meatballs, pasta & sauce

Wednesday, March 26th – Macaroni and Cheese

Thursday, March 27th – Chicken Burgers



Graduation Photo Retakes

Photographers from Edge Imaging will be at the school to take Graduation Photos on April 9th, 2025, in the library for any student who missed the first round or would like retakes.

Book your appointment at  in the Grade 12 student’s name for a $35 session fee.

Code for booking photos: YCI – Holy Cross High School (Saskatoon)

Check the 2025 Graduates Group on Edsby to get more details.


Driver’s Ed

** There is still plenty of space for students in the after-school class starting May 26th so register ASAP. 

Don’t forget to keep checking the schedule for updates on your drives.

This information is for students who have not enrolled in the driver's education program who will soon turn 15 or have already turned 15.

A driver education program is offered for students at Holy Cross High School through a partnership with Leap Professional Driving School Ltd (LPDSL).

To enroll in the Driver Education program, please register through:


call: 306-302-5327


Or check the Driver’s Ed Bulletin Board by student services. 



* Book Club

Join us this Friday, March 28 for our monthly meeting.  We will be snacking and discussing this month's literature choices.  See you at noon in room 102.

* Beading Club

Holy Cross’ beading club is back! Starting in April, swing by room 120 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at lunch to learn how and to complete different beading projects. This club is open to staff and students of all cultural backgrounds. See Ms. Climenhaga for more details.

* Robot Rumble

Robot Rumble participants will meet in room 321 at lunch on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Faith and Science

We meet Wednesdays at lunch.  The focus of our discussions will be the relationship between faith and physics.  It should be fun.  Come check it out in room 249 (Mr. Cratty's room)!  There will be a video followed by discussion.

Holy Cross Youth Alliance

Our 2SLGBTQ+ Alliance Group meets every Thursday lunch hour in room 361. All students and staff are welcome to join us! 

Knitting Club 

The knitting and stitching club will be meeting in room 111 on Fridays at noon. See you there!

Holy Cross Chess & Games Club 

If you would like to learn how to play chess, you can come to room 333 during the lunch hours. We meet every lunch hour. Games club runs on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in room 122.

Rosary Group

The Rosary Group will be meeting Mondays.  Please meet in room 136 right after school for some fun and fellowship making rosaries.  We have all the supplies and instructions that you will need.  You can count these hours for your CAP. See you there.  Any questions, see Mrs. Dale. 



** Track and Field Preseason Meeting - TODAY

Track and field season is right around the corner! Come to the preseason meeting on Tuesday, March 25th at lunch in the north gym for general information and sign-up. Be a part of a winning tradition!

** Holy Cross Golf - TODAY

Are you interested in participating in our golf program? To learn more about the golf season, which begins in April, come to the information session in Mr. Jean-Tremblay's classroom, room 104, on Tuesday, March 25th, just after period 3. Golfers of all levels are welcome.



Student Services


Student Service Notices can be found on the Counsellor Connection Website. Go here to see more details and access links: 

New Scholarship for Grade 12 Graduating Students

The Canadian Forces Family Scholarship from the Bridge City SaskTel Pioneers is for a student that is in Grade 12 and in good academic standing. The student must be a child or dependent of a current or former serving member of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). Student must provide proof of parent or guardian’s service in the CAF such as a copy of a Military Service Identification Card, a Veteran’s Service Card, or a Certificate of Service. Student must demonstrate good character and involvement or support in the school or community as recognized or recommended by SPSD/GSCS teachers and staff. If you would like to be put forward for this award please apply here:


Summer Youth Internship Program - APPLICATION DEADLINE IS APPROACHING: April 16th.


Scholarships through Horatio Alger Association of Canada (gr. 11 & 12 students) - Various Application Deadlines.


Camp Molly: A four-day camp opportunity for female youth aged 15 to 18 to get an inside look at a career in fire and emergency services.  Registration is open!

Digitized - are you interested in the tech industry?  Digitized is a one-day tech conference for high school students on Friday, May 2nd, 9:30 - 2:30 at the University of Saskatchewan.  Apply by April 11th.

SaskTel Indigenous Youth Awards of Excellenceapplications due April 18. See application and eligibility here.  

Current Grade 11 students Scholarship opportunity - Horatio Alger Scholarship Due March 31st, 2025. More than 150 scholarships available to grade 11, Canadian citizens, with demonstrated financial need. Go to to see more information 

Girls Take Flight – free event for female students interested in a career in aviation. Event takes place Saturday May 10th. Make sure to register!  

FREE TUTORING at Holy Cross through Youth Study Group! - THURSDAYS

Need some tutoring & homework help?  

Tutors from the University of Saskatchewan, and Advance courses and IB programmers from High Schools will be joining us at Holy Cross on regular Thursdays after school.   Come and get help with your homework and/or studying in all subject areas.

Sessions are from 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. in the library. 

School Nurse 

Our school nurse, Jenna Braaton will be here Monday afternoons from 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm. The school nurse can help you with the following:

  • Confidential one-on-one student supports with medical & health related matters.
  • Referrals to other community agencies/supports.
  • General first-aid
  • Confidential pregnancy testing and other supports as needed.

Students can also text the school nurse at 639-471-8202. Look for the school nurse sign in the hallway and stop in to ask a question, book an appointment or to just say hello!

Screenagers Student Survey - Use the QR code to complete the survey and be entered into a draw to win:

  • Gift cards
  • Swag from Flex Fitness
  • A one-month gym membership at Flex Fitness
  • Additional SIEC swag items



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