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Daily Notices March 13th

Student Notice Student Notice March 13, 2025

General Notices 

** The doors at the east end of the commons going to the pavilion will be locked for safety reasons as there is lots of ice in that area. Thanks for your understanding.


**Please note there has been theft in the PE change rooms so please ensure you lock up your belongings.


** Please help stack chairs in groups of 4 at the end of the lunch hour in the commons. Thanks for your help.

* No School Friday March 14th

A reminder there is no school TOMORROW due to Student parent teacher conferences.


* Do you have the right jacket? 

If you have a Outdoorjack black jacket, please come down to the main office. We think you have the wrong jacket. Thanks!

* Library News
Please remember to check your school e-mail account for your overdue library materials.

* Bible Group - TODAY

It’s time to sit up and deepen your relationship with Jesus. He has been waiting so long for you to come to him. Don’t know how to start? Join the Holy Cross Bible Club on Thursday the 13th in the chapel as we read Romans 12 together and understand the foundation of how we should live as followers of Jesus.
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2 New Livings Translation

* Holy Cross Clothing Sale 

We will be having a Holy Cross Clothing sale TODAY at noon hour and during the Parent Conferences after school.  We have hoodies, sweatshirts, and quarter-zips for sale. 

Hoodies - $70

Quarter-zips - $65

Sweatshirts - $60

All prices include applicable taxes.  You can pay by cash, cheque, debit, or credit card.

* Senior Basketball City Championship

Senior Basketball City final at Bedford Road on Saturday - girls play at 4pm and boys play at 6pm vs Walter Murray.
Cost is $3 for students and $5 for adults. Be positive ambassadors for Holy Cross and come cheer on our teams in a positive way at City finals!

* Attention current grade 11 students, graduating in 2026

There will be a jersey/hoodie try on to find your size for the senior apparel at lunch on Thursday March 13th, and Monday March 17th. There will be a table set up at the front. You can find more information @hchsjerseys2026 on Instagram.

Hey Crusaders! This week is Provincial Impaired Driving Awareness Week (PIDAW) and SADD has an exciting week of activities planned to help raise awareness and promote safe driving. We encourage everyone to get involved, show your support, and make a positive impact in our school community.

Thursday March 13: Stay tuned during period 3 for SADD trivia on the announcements!

Also, if you signed the SADD Oath banner, be sure to come by at 12:15 during lunch for a group photo! Let’s all come together and show our commitment to keeping the roads safe!

* Multicultural Week

Would you like to be a part of planning for Multicultural Week at Holy Cross? This includes themed spirit days and a Holy Cross favourite, our Multicultural Food Festival! This committee is open to all students in our school, and will begin meeting before the end of March.
 Please sign up on the sheet outside room 120 if you are interested in being added to our committee Edsby page. This is where most of our communications will take place. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Climenhaga. 

* BJM PRESENTS 67 Cinderellas

Prince Dalliance is determined to find the rightful owner of a shoe belonging to a stranger he’s only had one dance with and with whom he is smitten.   Cinderella however isn’t ready to marry some stranger who can only recognize her by her shoe size.  This is a tale of scheming social climbers trying to trick the hapless prince. Will his one true love be found? Come check it out on March 20th, 21st or 22nd.  Tickets are $5.00 for Students and Seniors and $10.00 for Adults.  Tickets are available at the door or can be purchased through the QR code below or this link.  The show starts at 7:30.



Lenten 40 Run/Walk

It was great to see many students at the Wed, March 5th informational meeting for the Lenten 40 Walk/Run!  If you are interested in the run, please see Mr. Malin in room 103 to add your name to the list and acquire additional guidance on registration, route and being a part of Team Holy Cross!  You can also visit Mrs. Regier at the main office for more info.

Watch the notices for another meeting the first week of April during which runners will be able to proudly sign out a Holy Cross singlet for the race!  It is going to be a wonderful journey!

* St. Augustine School Carnival Student Volunteers

Thursday, May 8th from 6-8pm.

We are looking for 10 high school students help with set-up, running the activities, and clean-up. Please sign up at the main office.


Everyone is welcome to come to the courtyard to take part in smudging at 8:15 am on Tuesdays and Fridays all year.

Homework Hall Tutorial 

Would you like help from a teacher with your homework in a quiet space? Homework Hall tutorial time takes place each lunch hour in Room 341 (Mr. Heath's room). All students are welcome to attend!



Jazz Band
There will be a jazz band rehearsal at lunch TODAY in the second band room. New members welcome! 



Grade 12 Scholarships and Awards Application

We have only had about 1/2 of the number of applicants that we usually have so we are extending the deadline one last time for the Scholarships and Awards given at Spring Awards in June. This will be our last deadline: Monday March 17th at 8AM. 

You can get the link to the online application through the "2025 Graduates" group on Edsby and there was an Edsby message sent to you and your parents with the link and the specific Scholarships that we need more applicants for. If you have any questions, please see or message Mrs. Park in Student Services. We don't want scholarships or awards to go unawarded. 




The following items will be available daily at the cafeteria:

Burgers, sandwiches, subs, wraps, baking and various snacks.


Thursday, March 13th – Pizza

Friday, March 14th – No school


Driver’s Ed

This information is for students who have not enrolled in the driver's education program who will soon turn 15 or have already turned 15:

A driver education program is offered for students at Holy Cross High School through a partnership with Leap Professional Driving School Ltd (LPDSL).

To enroll in the Driver Education program, please register through:


call: 306 302 5327


Or check the Driver’s Ed Bulletin Board by student services. 



* Math Elite Group

There is a meeting TODAY at lunch in room 332.

Faith and Science

We meet Wednesdays at lunch.  The focus of our discussions will be the relationship between faith and physics.  It should be fun.  Come check it out in room 249 (Mr. Cratty's room)!  There will be a video followed by discussion.

Holy Cross Youth Alliance

Our 2SLGBTQ+ Alliance Group meets every Thursday lunch hour in room 361. All students and staff are welcome to join us! 

Knitting Club 

The knitting and stitching club will be meeting in room 111 on Fridays at noon. See you there!

Holy Cross Chess & Games Club 

If you would like to learn how to play chess, you can come to room 333 during the lunch hours. We meet every lunch hour. Games club runs on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in room 122.

Rosary Group

The Rosary Group will be meeting Mondays.  Please meet in room 136 right after school for some fun and fellowship making rosaries.  We have all the supplies and instructions that you will need.  You can count these hours for your CAP. See you there.  Any questions, see Mrs. Dale. 



Basketball Jerseys

Can the following player return their basketball jersey to Mrs. Santos in the PE office. 


Girls Championship Team

Debby O. 4- White Jersey


Student Services


Student Service Notices can be found on the Counsellor Connection Website. Go here to see more details and access links: 


SaskTel Indigenous Youth Awards of Excellence – applications due April 18. See application and eligibility here.  

Current Grade 11 students Scholarship opportunity - Horatio Alger Scholarship Due March 31st, 2025. More than 150 scholarships available to grade 11, Canadian citizens, with demonstrated financial need. Go to to see more information 

Girls Take Flight – free event for female students interested in a career in aviation. Event takes place Saturday May 10th. Make sure to register!  

Becoming a Lawyer Virtual Presentation: learn about the educational and career path for becoming a lawyer, hosted by the University of Saskatchewan College of Law and Pro Bono Students Canada. Wednesday, March 19 from 12:05-12:30 pm. Make sure to register!   

English Language Support

If you want to practice your English, the ELEAP program is a great opportunity! English Language Enhancement and Academic Preparation (ELEAP) is now open to the public and the program is not limited to refugee students. Limited spots are available for the winter intake starting Feb 28, 2025. Please check ELEAP - Language Centre | University of Saskatchewan for more details!

FREE TUTORING at Holy Cross through Youth Study Group! - THURSDAYS

Need some tutoring & homework help?  

Tutors from the University of Saskatchewan, and Advance courses and IB programmers from High Schools will be joining us at Holy Cross on regular Thursdays after school.   Come and get help with your homework and/or studying in all subject areas.

Sessions are from 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. in the library. 

School Nurse 

Our school nurse, Jenna Braaton will be here Monday afternoons from 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm. The school nurse can help you with the following:

  • Confidential one-on-one student supports with medical & health related matters.
  • Referrals to other community agencies/supports.
  • General first-aid
  • Confidential pregnancy testing and other supports as needed.

Students can also text the school nurse at 639-471-8202. Look for the school nurse sign in the hallway and stop in to ask a question, book an appointment or to just say hello!

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